Western Murray Irrigation is an irrigation infrastructure operator
Western Murray Irrigation maintains 3 pump stations; 2 re-lift stations and 184 km of pipelines which supply and service over 4,100ha of irrigated land in Curlwaa, Coomealla and Buronga.
Western Murray Irrigation provides non-potable (untreated) irrigation water and drainage services to three irrigation areas in southwestern NSW. Western Murray Irrigation is a public company limited by shares and proudly grower owned. It is governed by a board of directors and employs 11 staff.
The main crops grown in the 3 irrigation areas are:
- Wine grapes – 40%
- Citrus – 17%
- Seasonal fruit/veg – 8%
- Other fruit/nut trees – 6%
- Dried (vine)fruit – 6%
- Table grapes – 2%