Caring for the environment

Western Murray Irrigation carefully monitors and manages the environment in its area of operation.

Environmental programs

Procedures include observing, measuring, managing and reporting on river water volume pumped, calibration of pump meters, salinity, diversions to individual landholdings, flood management, wetlands, surface water drainage and groundwater as well as maintaining a chemical control and contingency plan and pollution incident response management plan.

Our environmental programs, which aim to exceed our environmental obligations, demonstrate our commitment to ensuring that our operations do not impact negatively on the environment.

Western Murray Irrigation’s NSW EPA annual report; NSW Government annual compliance report and Pollution Incident Response Management
and Chemical Control & Contingency Plans can be found below.


Land and Water Management Plan

Western Murray Irrigation committed to a 30 year Land and Water Management Plan upon privatisation in 1995.

Four major projects have been completed since then:

  • Buronga basin one drainage project
  • Risbey’s drainage diversion project
  • Curlwaa tubewells project
  • Tuckers Creek block bank removal